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International Garden Route through 4 countries Croatia - Slovenia - Hungary - Austria

  • Min. Pesons = 0
  • Min. Days = 0
  • Duration-Days = 0
Experience enchanting landscapes, nature parks, wonderful castle and monastery gardens, romantic show gardens and botanical gardens as well as traditional manufactories with delicious regional products from orchards, herb and farm gardens.
Group travellers discover the characteristics and differences of the culinary and garden highlights between the four countries. The short distance between the program points as well as the beautiful nature reserve ensure a delightful journey.
Garden Route will link parks, gardens and other attractive national and cultural heritage, special local culinary and accommodation providers from 4 neighbouring cross-border regions (Pomurje region in Slovenia, East Styria in Austria, Međimurje region in Croatia and Vas County in Hungary). The product will represent a mobility model built around a new tourism product for seniors (any person over 55 years old). This transnational tourism product presents route that involves travels and visits to parks and gardens in border region at the crossroads of Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, where parks and gardens are less familiar to tourists but equally interesting as the most famous parks and gardens in Europe.   
Parks and gardens are especially interested for visitors in spring when everything is in bloom. Thus the new tourism product is meant as the solution to facilitate tourism flows especially during the medium season. But since they are open through all year the product also represents the solution suitable to facilitate tourism flows during low season (low season: January-March and November-December; medium season: April-May).  
Points of interest (POI) in target region 
As part of the development process of the tourism product we collected and listed Points of interest (POI) in target regions. The first step of the development is comprised of systematic analyses of existing offer in the participating regions. With partners we seek out and select parks and gardens, places of interest and accomodation providers, which we will include in project Garden route. We tried to collect as much data as possible, that will help us to make a good tourist product. We  prepared an analysis of existing places of interes, on parks and gardens and on accommodation providers, natural and cultural heritage and existing places of interest. Thoose analysises was the basis to collect and list at least 40 points of interest in target regions.   
All partners, from Croatia, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia took part in researches and the Development centre Murska Sobota as leading partner gathered all information from the four regions involved. We assembled, edited and supplemented all the data. For each country (region) we collected and listed 10 – 15 Points of interest (POI) and drove a map of all POI into Google earth map. As a result, we got the positions and distances of the points of interest. The POI in all regions are appropriate for seniors and we can engage them in project Garden Route. 
The project partner Malo selo visited all POI in all regions. This is the last step of the preparation of the outline, where a common path for the Garden Route is developed. They collected information on field, so we could identify what are the obstacles or advantages of certain POI. That will help us to complete tourist packages, which we further improve in a later phase of development of the tourism package.   

Skupina potnikov v petih dneh odkrije karakteristike in razlike v kulinariki in vrtovih med štirimi državami. Kratke razdalje med točkami ogleda, kot tudi lepota narave zagotavlja čudovito potovanje.


Na vzhodu Slovenije leži dežela širokih polj in mehkih bregov, klopotcev in plavajočih mlinov, zdravilnih voda in energetskih točk, slikovitih vinogradov, svojevrstne tradicije in dialekta, predvsem pa je to pokrajina gostoljubnih ljudi. Področje je bogato z naravnimi zdravilišči, ki vam dajo novo moč in energijo. Pomurje ima tri zaščitena naravna področja: krajinski park Goričko, krajinski park Jeruzalemsko  - ormoške gorice in krajinski park Negova.


Na najsevernejšem delu Hrvaške, med Muro in Dravo, z zelenimi grički in bogatimi ravnicami, leži očarljiva pokrajina imenovana Međimurje. Regija je istočasno enostavna in prekrasna,  gostoljubnost prebivalcev Međimurja pa je vedno fascinirala. Međimurje upravičeno imenujejo »Cvejetnjak Hrvatske«. Nedaleč od najvažnejših evropskih mest, na bogatih kulturnih in zgodovinskih temeljih je nastala odlična kombinacija tradicije in modernizma.  


Dobrodošli na zahodnih vratih Madžarske, v Železni županiji. Tam kjer se srečujeta zahod in jugozahod, kjer se visoke Alpe spuščajo v planinske in rečne doline, najdemo Železno županijo. Na potovanju skozi Železno županijo lahko obiskovalci občutijo skladnost in blago harmonijo. Ljudje, ki živijo tukaj spoštujejo in negujejo to deželo, kar je razvidno iz njene raznolike lepote.


Alpske livade z divjimi zelišči in orhidejami, romantične cvetlične vasi, sončni sadovnjaki in vinogradi. Na vzhodu Štajerske se odkriva neprimerljiva podeželska idila, kjer je na vsakem koraku vidna privrženost prebivalcev naravi in tradiciji. Posebni in edinstveni vrtovi vabijo k obisku Vzhodne Štajerske, da uživate v množici različnih botaničnih in kulturnih znamenitosti. (Pojdite z nami) Radi bi vas povabili na vrtni lov na zaklad!



1. Dan Hrvaška

11:00 Prihod v Međimurje

11:00 „Međimurska priroda“ – informacije o biodiverziteti flore in favne v regiji - http://www.medjimurska-priroda.info/

13:00 Kosilo v restavraciji Međimurski dvori - http://www.medjimurski-dvori.hr/

15:00 „Perivoj Zrinski“ – ogled muzeja v spremstvu vodiča in sprehod po vrtovih in parkih Čakovca -http://mmc.hr/

17:30 „Medeni vrt družine Šardi“ – ogled in degustacija medenih izdelkov


19:00 Prenočitev v hotelu LifeClass terme Sveti Martin- http://www.spa-sport.hr/si/

2. Dan Hrvaška in Slovenija

8:30 Odhod izpred hotela

8:45 Ogled Mlinarske hiše v Svetem Martinu - http://svetimartin.hr/mlinarska-kuca

10:30 Ogled parka in umetniške delavnice Valkaj v Železni gori - http://www.keramos-valkaj.com/

12:00 Prihod v Slovenijo

12:30 Kosilo v šunkarni Kodila http://www.kodila.si/

14:00 Ocean orchids in Tropski vrt v Dobrovniku voden ogled - http://www.oceanorchids.si/

15:00 Bukovniško jezero - http://www.bukovniskojezero.si/page/

16:30 Vinarium: razgledna ploščad, okušanje lokalnih specialitet in domačih vin


18:00 Prihod in večerja v naselju vil in apartmajev Panonska vas - http://www.panonskavas.si/

3. Dan Slovenija in Madžarska

8:30 Odhod izpred hotela

9:00 Murska Sobota - ogled mestnega parka, muzeja in gradu - http://www.pomurski-muzej.si/

10:00 Vrt spominov in tovarištva Petanjci, voden ogled - http://www.dr-siftar-fundacija.org/

11:00 Voden ogled po krajinskem parku Goričko - http://www.park-goricko.org/

12:30 Prihod na Madžarsko

13:00 Kosilo v restavraciji Pajta. Pajta simbolizira harmonijo človeka in narave. http://pajta.hu/

14:30 Učna pot “življenje v travniške sadovnjaku”. Lahko se poučimo o poreklu in koristi travniških sadovnjakov - http://www.orseg.info/

16:30 Ogled in degustacija “Batha Porta”.  Družina je tradicionalni pridelovalec bučnega olja. http://www.bathaporta.hu/

18:30 Prihod in večerja v Gotthard Therme Hotel & Conference, Monošter - https://gotthard.accenthotels.com/en

4. Dan Madžarska in Avstrija

9:00 Odhod izpred hotela

10:00 Voden ogled arboretuma  „Kámon“  v  Sombotelu - http://www.kamoniarboretum.hu/

13:00 Kosilo v hotelu zur Lebing Au v Hartbergu - http://www.gasthof-pack.at/

15:00 Voden ogled in degustacija v oljarni Fandler v Pöllau - https://www.fandler.at/

17:00 Wurzelschaugarten in grajski park v Pöllau - http://www.naturpark-poellauertal.at/

18:30 Prihod in večerja v  Boutique Hotel Erla na jezeru Stubenbergsee


5. Dan Avstrija

8:30 Odhod izpred hotela

9:30 Voden ogled in degustacija v pridelavi kisa Oswald/Schaffer - http://www.essigmanufaktur.at/

11:00 Ogled sadovnjaka in degustacija na ekološki kmetiji Schloffer v Angerju - http://www.schloffer.at/

13:00 Puch bei Weiz - kosilo v restavraciji Kirchenwirt Hofer - http://www.kirchenwirt-puch.at/

15:00 Živalski vrt, grad in grajski vrt Herberstein v St. Johann bei Herberstein http://herberstein.co.at/


To potovanje je razvito v sklopu projekta Cosme Garden Route skozi 4 državeHrvaška – Slovenija – Madžarska – Avstrija

Experience enchanting landscapes, nature parks, wonderful castle and monastery gardens, romantic show gardens and botanical gardens as well as traditional manufactories with delicious regional products from orchards, herb and farm gardens.
Group travellers discover the characteristics and differences of the culinary and garden highlights between the four countries. The short distance between the program points as well as the beautiful nature reserve ensure a delightful journey.
Garden Route will link parks, gardens and other attractive national and cultural heritage, special local culinary and accommodation providers from 4 neighbouring cross-border regions (Pomurje region in Slovenia, East Styria in Austria, Međimurje region in Croatia and Vas County in Hungary). The product will represent a mobility model built around a new tourism product for seniors (any person over 55 years old). This transnational tourism product presents route that involves travels and visits to parks and gardens in border region at the crossroads of Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, where parks and gardens are less familiar to tourists but equally interesting as the most famous parks and gardens in Europe.   
Parks and gardens are especially interested for visitors in spring when everything is in bloom. Thus the new tourism product is meant as the solution to facilitate tourism flows especially during the medium season. But since they are open through all year the product also represents the solution suitable to facilitate tourism flows during low season (low season: January-March and November-December; medium season: April-May).  
Points of interest (POI) in target region 
As part of the development process of the tourism product we collected and listed Points of interest (POI) in target regions. The first step of the development is comprised of systematic analyses of existing offer in the participating regions. With partners we seek out and select parks and gardens, places of interest and accomodation providers, which we will include in project Garden route. We tried to collect as much data as possible, that will help us to make a good tourist product. We  prepared an analysis of existing places of interes, on parks and gardens and on accommodation providers, natural and cultural heritage and existing places of interest. Thoose analysises was the basis to collect and list at least 40 points of interest in target regions.   
All partners, from Croatia, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia took part in researches and the Development centre Murska Sobota as leading partner gathered all information from the four regions involved. We assembled, edited and supplemented all the data. For each country (region) we collected and listed 10 – 15 Points of interest (POI) and drove a map of all POI into Google earth map. As a result, we got the positions and distances of the points of interest. The POI in all regions are appropriate for seniors and we can engage them in project Garden Route. 
The project partner Malo selo visited all POI in all regions. This is the last step of the preparation of the outline, where a common path for the Garden Route is developed. They collected information on field, so we could identify what are the obstacles or advantages of certain POI. That will help us to complete tourist packages, which we further improve in a later phase of development of the tourism package.   
Experience enchanting landscapes, nature parks, wonderful castle and monastery gardens, romantic show gardens and botanical gardens as well as traditional manufactories with delicious regional products from orchards, herb and farm gardens.
Group travellers discover the characteristics and differences of the culinary and garden highlights between the four countries. The short distance between the program points as well as the beautiful nature reserve ensure a delightful journey.
Garden Route will link parks, gardens and other attractive national and cultural heritage, special local culinary and accommodation providers from 4 neighbouring cross-border regions (Pomurje region in Slovenia, East Styria in Austria, Međimurje region in Croatia and Vas County in Hungary). The product will represent a mobility model built around a new tourism product for seniors (any person over 55 years old). This transnational tourism product presents route that involves travels and visits to parks and gardens in border region at the crossroads of Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, where parks and gardens are less familiar to tourists but equally interesting as the most famous parks and gardens in Europe.   
Parks and gardens are especially interested for visitors in spring when everything is in bloom. Thus the new tourism product is meant as the solution to facilitate tourism flows especially during the medium season. But since they are open through all year the product also represents the solution suitable to facilitate tourism flows during low season (low season: January-March and November-December; medium season: April-May).  
Points of interest (POI) in target region 
As part of the development process of the tourism product we collected and listed Points of interest (POI) in target regions. The first step of the development is comprised of systematic analyses of existing offer in the participating regions. With partners we seek out and select parks and gardens, places of interest and accomodation providers, which we will include in project Garden route. We tried to collect as much data as possible, that will help us to make a good tourist product. We  prepared an analysis of existing places of interes, on parks and gardens and on accommodation providers, natural and cultural heritage and existing places of interest. Thoose analysises was the basis to collect and list at least 40 points of interest in target regions.   
All partners, from Croatia, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia took part in researches and the Development centre Murska Sobota as leading partner gathered all information from the four regions involved. We assembled, edited and supplemented all the data. For each country (region) we collected and listed 10 – 15 Points of interest (POI) and drove a map of all POI into Google earth map. As a result, we got the positions and distances of the points of interest. The POI in all regions are appropriate for seniors and we can engage them in project Garden Route. 
The project partner Malo selo visited all POI in all regions. This is the last step of the preparation of the outline, where a common path for the Garden Route is developed. They collected information on field, so we could identify what are the obstacles or advantages of certain POI. That will help us to complete tourist packages, which we further improve in a later phase of development of the tourism package.   
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