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Slovenija - Places of interest

Pachamama center Kunova

  • Culinary

Veza života s prirodom i preplitanje kultura stvara posebna iskustava u PachamamaCenteru gdje se egzotika stapa s okolinom i postaje istinski domaća. Središte park je zanimljiva farma u slovenskim brdima. Središte je organska farma, gdje se izvorni Dhiraj iz Perua - Roschmann i njegova supruga Luz Soto Bravo -  uređuju centar skladnog življenja, beskrajne kreativnosti i potpunog mira za sebe i za posjetitelje. Mještani ga zovu „Indijska nekretnina”, a nalazi se u blizini Negovsko palače i jezera u općini Gornja Radgona.

  • Adresa: Kunova ulica 13, 9245 Spodnji Ivanjci, Slovenija

The connection of life with nature and the interweaving of cultures for special experiences in the Pachamama Center, where exotica melt together with the surroundings and become truly domestic. The centre of the park is an interesting homestead in Slovenian hills. Pachamama is the centre of an organic farm, where they're native Dhiraj Roschmann and his wife, Luz Soto Bravo from Peru, arranged the centre of harmonious living, endless creativity and complete peace for themselves and for visitors. Locals call it "Indian property" and is located near Negovsko mansions and lakes in the municipality of Gornja Radgona.

  • Adresa: Kunova ulica 13, 9245 Spodnji Ivanjci, Slovenia
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