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Slovenija - Places of interest

Maribor Gradski park i Stara vinska kuća

  • Culinary
Park je popularna šetnica. Staza vodi između različitih stabala, uređenih cvjetnih gredica, brda Rožni grič i fontana, te preko prekrasna tri ribnjaka  koji predstavljaju dom za brojne ptice na vodi. U barama ćete vidjet labudove, patke i stare kornjače koje su prerasle kućni akvarij. Također možete posjetiti akvarij-terarij, koji je vrlo zanimljiv kako odraslima tako djeci.
Stručnjaci vinske genetike u Parizu potvrdili su  autentičnost doba  Stare loze. Loza je posađena prije najmanje 400 godina, a vjerojatno i nešto ranije. Njegov status Metuzalema također je potvrđen u slikama u Mariboru koje datiraju iz godine 1657 i 1681, a koje se čuvaju u štajerskoj Pokrajini muzeja u Grazu.
  • Adresa: Partizanska cesta 6a, 2000 Maribor
  • Telefon: +386 2 234 66 11
  • E-mail:
  • Web stranica:
  • Radno vrijeme (od - do): Vrijeme otvaranja; Svibanj - Listopad: svakim danom od 10:00 - 20:00h ;Studeni - Travanj: svakim danom od 10:00 - 18:00h
  • Cijena ulaznice: Ulaz besplatan

Vine genetics experts in Paris confirmed the authenticity of the age of the Old Vine. The vine was planted at least 400 years ago, probably somewhat earlier. Its Methuselah state is also confirmed in paintings of Maribor dating from the years 1657 and 1681, which are kept in the Štajerska Provincial Museum in Graz. In the pictures the frontage of the house at Vojašniška ulica 8, built in the 16th century, can be clearly seen, and even then it was already lushly overgrown with today’s venerated Old Vine. Just as in those days the Old Vine still today clings to the trelliswork or “brajda”, as the wooden support is called in Štajerska.

  • Adresa: Tourist Information Center Maribor, Partizanska cesta 6a, 2000 Maribor
  • Telefon: +386 2 234 66 11
  • E-mail:
  • Web stranica:
  • Radno vrijeme (od - do): Opening time; May - October: every day from 10 am to 8 pm;November - April: every day from 10 am to 6 pm
  • Cijena ulaznice: Free of charge
  • Glavne značajke:

    Visit events in honour of the Old Vine - Pruning of the Old Vine – ceremonious event with the bestowal of scions to selected cities - St Martin's Day – the biggest one-day St Martin’s Day celebrations in Slovenia - Ceremonial grape have The wine-cultural highlights of Maribor and its surroundings Wine expirience in Maribor: - Take a walk along the river Drava embankment: visit the Old Vine, the queen of all vines, and the Old Vine House, on the frontage of which grows the Old Vine - The Old Vine House, a temple of wine tradition and culture: exhibition and wine tasting room, selling point and tourist information centre - Maribor's wine underworld, wine cellars, bars, and museums: Vinag Wine Cellar, wine cellar Dveri-Pax, Meranovo Estate, Rožmarin Wine Bar, Maribor Wine Bar in Water Tower, Viticultural Museum Kebl - Wine roads: Maribor, Podpohorska, and Upper Slovenske gorice wine-tourist road and The Trail of Archduke Johann intertwine over the hilly, wine growing surroundings of Maribor. Numerous wine shops and tourist farms offer excellent white sorts and Štajerska delights, - excellent, traditional wine and food of Štajerska. est of the Old Vine – the highlight of the Old Vine Festival that shows the rich wine, as well as fruit, culinary and ethnological culture of Štajerska.

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